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Tag Archives: Jewish
Marriage with a Shia
I am an Indian Muslim belongs to a Wahabi family. I want to marry a Shia girl… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged awrad, baya`, Christian, differences, family, hadith, Jewish, khilafat, Muslim, seeking marriage, Shi`a, Sunni, Wahabi, wazifa
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I Study the history of philosophy and religion and I have a question regarding the Islamic view of the figure identified as Idris in the Quran… Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged Alchemy in Middle-earth, aqtab, Awtad, Bible, Christian, cosmology, Egypt, Emerald Tablet, fourth heaven, Hajjah Amina Adil, Hermes, Ilyas (as), Jewish, Lore of Light, Melchizedek, philosophy, Poles, Prophet Elijah (as), Prophet Enoch (as), pyramid, Pythagoras, qutb, Sabian, Sayyidina Idris (as), Stakes, Tent-stakes, Thoth
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Is Meat in Western Countries Halal?
Question: Assalaamu aleykum wr wb. At the beginning of Surah Al-Maeda, Allah Almighty says “The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them.” Does this mean we can eat meat sold … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged Ahl al-Kitab, Arabs, basmala, Christian, dhabiha, diety, Jewish, kill, meat, People of the Book, sacrifice, Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, slaughter, zabiha
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