Tag Archives: Jihad against the ego
Dream: Spiritual training under MSN
I saw several cat feces behind my house with flies on them, then my mum walked and then my aunt with the same clothes on as my mum… I saw all these random numbers flash in my dream and then number 0 which I was trying to break with my mind and then I woke up and felt something move in my heart… Continue reading
Too much torture
I have been tortured all my life by my relatives and others for being blessed. I have been feeling suicidal for the past 30 years… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Shaykh Nazim rise from the dead.
I’m a murid of Shaykh Nazim and last night I dreamt that my brother and I were talking to Shaykh Nazim and then we heard that Shaykh had passed away… Continue reading
I was walking along the streets at night when I saw a ram with a big horn between its eyes. It did not have those spiral horns they really have. It was not prowling … Continue reading
Privacy when it comes to dreams
I find it very frustrating though when it comes to dreams, I feel like few actually require legitimate interpretation Continue reading
Dream: Hadhrat ali Ra
Around two years ago I dreamt that a man in a glowing White suit was stood amongst me and my cousin. Continue reading