Tag Archives: marital discord
Prayer Request: Dua to remove discord between me and my husband
Salaam can you please help me. I got married 4 months ago and now my husband is saying to me that he doesn’t want to be with me no more and is leaving the country to go back to Pakistan for good. Continue reading
Family Drama
About three months ago my wife requested me to marry another sister as a second wife. She had big plans and dreams of us becoming a strong family and through this a support for our little community. I hesitated and only after asking… Continue reading
Dream: Two Dead Bees
I sense the message in the dream is my husband will not come back and our marriage is over. As it has been over a year now and he still tells me… Continue reading
Marriage issue (4)
Continuation – still doing daily readings apart from salat munaiya…. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Du’as, advices and support
Shoukran lillah for your suhba. I love you. I need guidance, support. I want you to… Continue reading
Istakhara request
I’m hoping for an istakhra request by Maulana Sheikh Hisham Kabbani,… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Help
Allah blessings to you in all that you do. Praise be to Allah and our Prophet- obit. My… Continue reading
Ruined trust between spouses
My husband has been unfaithful to me, several times. He denies it, despite emails,… Continue reading
Dream: Istikara
I had an argument with my wife and said talaq to you three times if you have… Continue reading