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Tag Archives: medical excuse
Please could you advise re: suitors
I am suffering from Schizophrenia type illness. Suitors want to talk to me ,see me on Skype. My father won’t allow this; he is deliberately cruel to me, as is my mother.I am kept ‘under surveillance’ at all times. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged black magic, difficult parents, jinn, medical excuse, pursing marriage, schizophrenia, suitors
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Salam Alaykum wrwb. I have diagnosed with both GERD and IBS. I have had the symptoms for the last 7-8 years. As a result it is very hard for me to keep wudu. By the time I do Tahiyat-ul-wudu, I often have to make new wudu again. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged breaking ablution, medical excuse, tayammum, wudu
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Missed fasts and prayers due to mental health
I reverted to Islam 14 years ago. I have difficulties to fast Ramadan and to pray. Continue reading
Posted in Health, Salat - Prayer, Siyam - Fasting
Tagged anxiety, depression, fard, Fasting, make-up fasts, make-up prayer, medical excuse, medication, missed fast, missed prayers, panic attacks, prayer, qada, ramadan, rukhsa, salat, sawm, siyam
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