Tag Archives: mental illness
Prayer Request: Auntie’s Mental Health
My Aunty is currently suffering from a mental health problem and we would be grateful for you prayers to grant her good health… Continue reading
Prayer Request: OCD and Cure
My mother has been suffering from a mental condition ever since her adolescence. Her obsession with maintaining order, organization and cleanliness dictates her entire life and often they take priority over her health, family or work. Continue reading
Bipolar DisorderTroubles Bipolaires
Please answer 2 questions for a sister asking for help for her son. He spent 2 times several days in a psychiatric hospital (and intent to suicide) and doctors gave as diagnosis that he is “bi-polar”.[fr]Veuillez s’il vous plaît répondre à 2 questions pour une soeur demandant de l’aide pour son fils…[/fr] Continue reading
Prayer Request: Recovery from Schizophrenia and Depression
May I humbly and politely make a special request to you to please pray for my recovery from Schizophrenia and Manic Depression? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Mental sickness and marriage
I am having thoughts that affect my life. I know that they are untrue but I can’t make them go away. Continue reading
Relation to my mom
Q: Since I’m around 16 years old, I decided to begin a relation with my mom (my parents separated i had around 2-3 years old and no relation with her after 4 or 5 years old, … Continue reading