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Tag Archives: missed prayers
Dream: shroud (Urgent)
I am very afraid on seeing this dream please interpret it in detail & guide me what should I do. I saw I am going to die & preparing to get buried. I tie a knot on my right shoulder of shroud cloth. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged carpet, missed prayers, right shoulder, seek forgiveness, wasilah
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Making up prayers from age of 9 years old to 18 years old
One of my co-employees requested me to ask Shk. Hisham about making up her fasting for Ramadan for 10 years. She is from a South Asian country and she stated that she started her period at the age of 9 years old. Continue reading
Posted in Siyam - Fasting
Tagged missed fast, missed prayers
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Sunnah Salah after Fard
If we have missed the Sunnahs before the Fard Prayer because Jama for Fard prayer has started then can we pray the 2 Sunnah of Fajar, 4 of Zuhur, 4 of Asr and 4 of Isha after finishing with the Fard Jamah or its not correct to pray afterwards. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged fajr sunnah, make-up prayers, missed prayers, sunnah prayers
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Jamak Prayer
Question: May Allah always bless you in health and happiness. I have friends asking me whether they can do jamak prayer although they’re not traveling because of their meetings or stuck in traffic to avoid missing prayer. Well I told … Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged commute, jamak, missed prayers, musafir, qasar, traffic, traveling, work
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Prayer Request: Spontaneous Chronic Hives
Lately, started reciting/hearing ‘hizb bahr’ after fajr. Then took baya to Sh. Nazim and now perform daily awrad for beginner. Only recently have doctors found something that can suppress (not cure) Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged hives, missed prayers, sabr, Spontaneous Chronic Hives
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Missed prayers
I started praying recently (around 2 to 3 months) and I’m praying my missed prayers also together. I missed my prayers around 17 years, so now I’m recovering my prayers. If i die while recovering my prayers… Continue reading
Missed Prayers
Murids here wanted to know the procedure to follow on missed prayers also how to plan this when the missed prayers were over… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged make-up prayers, missed prayers, missed salat
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Missed prayers
I just recently rediscovered Islam and have started praying all of 5 daily prayers though yesterday I learnt that throughout the years where I had gone astray… Continue reading
Missed prayers from age of 9
One of my co-employees requested me to ask about prayers missed since age ten. Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged compensatory worship, forgiveness, make-up prayer, missed prayers, qada, salaat, salat
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Dream: Prophet Jesus (as) white glowing light
I had a dream where someone is saying me that they saw Jesus (pbuh) and Jesus brought 4 messages and at that time I was thinking Quran has already everything… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Jesus Christ (as), missed prayers, Sayyidina `Isa (as)
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