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Tag Archives: mother’s care
Prayer Request: Please pray that my son in law quits alcohol and womanizing and keep my daughter happy
My daughter is very unhappy as my son in law is an alcoholic and a womanizer. Please pray that he stops these bad habits and keeps my daughter happy. Please pray for love between husband and wife.. Continue reading →
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged adultery, alcoholic, bad habits, big sins, emotional abuse, haram act, mother's care, patience, quit alcohol, sinner, son-in-law, unrepentant, womanizer, Ya Jabbar
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Dream: Pineapple Tree
I recently got married about 2 months ago and I had a dream just the other night that I was at my parents’ house and there was this beautiful very tall pineaple tree… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged appreciate, ayat, beautiful, experience, fruit, heavenly knowlede, Holy Qur'an, iman, Islamic, just married, mother, mother's care, motherhood, next phase, parents' house, pineapple, pineapple tree, question, roll, taste
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