Tag Archives: sinner
Someone who is hafiz Quran but does illicit thing
Bismillah. I would like to ask, I know someone who is hafiz Quran, memorized every of the surah and ayah. But this person does illicit thing, such as zina etc. same as someone who does huge amount of zikr, but watch illicit haraam thing. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Repeating Sins…
What happens if you go back to the sin after repentance…
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Prayer Request: my sins are very heavy
Could you please pray for me I am very stressed I have commited a big sin which I regret now dear sheikh please pray for me my my sin has trapped me I want to get out of it but I can’t and I have to keep lying again… Continue reading
Dream: Dream: Allah (swt) and our Prophet (sws)
I had a dream where I enter a room, in which there is a square outlined, to which I am told to do sajda as it is Allah (swt)’s House… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Father is unwell since years
Ya Sayydi, My father is unwell, it’s been 5 years now, please grant him complete physical and spirtual health… Continue reading
Paradise in exchange for sending salams on Rasul’Allah (saw)?
I was reading the following article:… Continue reading
Spiritual name
I beg you Sheikh to let me know one of my spiritual names. I know you may not want to say on the website but if you can by email I will be eternally grateful… Continue reading
repenting for my sins
Please tell me what I should do to sincerely repent for my sins as I am a sinner with very bad deeds.What should I do to to renew my bayat. Continue reading