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Tag Archives: Muhammadan Cave
What did the Prophet (saw) do in Mount Hira?
What exactly did our Prophet (saw) do in Mount Hira? I know he used to meditate, etc. but what form did this meditation take? Considering he spent days there, this profoundly affected him. Are there any actual accounts of the actual practices he performed there? … Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ibadah, asceticism, devotion, isolation, lata'if, life of Prophet (s), meditation, Mt. Hira, Muhammadan Cave, points, seclusion, tafakkur, Uwaysi transmission, worship, zuhd
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Dream: restaurant & du`aRêve: Restaurant et Du’a
I saw a dream today morning that I am in a restaurant with many people around and all of a sudden i cry and go to a corner, raise my hand and pray to Allah for something specific I desperate need.[fr]j’ai fait un rêve ce matin que j’étais dans un restaurant avec beaucoup de gens. Soudainement je me suis mis à pleurer et je suis allé dans un coin,…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged corner, du`a, dunya, hands, invocation, isolation, Muhammadan Cave, need, prayer, restaurant, seclusion, supplication, Surat al-Kahf, worldly life
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Rêve: Restaurant et Du’a