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Tag Archives: musical instruments
Sufis and Music
I have noticed that you are using musical instruments like guitar which is not permitted in Islam, especially for Sufis is a little bit strange to use. Could you please explain… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged awtar, drum, flute, guitar, lute, ma`azif, mandolin, musical instruments, pemissibility of music, singing, Sufi Music, tambourine, tarab, violin
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My question is conerning the Ney (this kind of flute). Is the Ney halal or haram? And also if it is halal can we listen to Ney whilst doing Zikr, reciting Salawat or the daily Awrad? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged daf, flute, halal or haram, musical instruments, ney, tambourine, wind instrument
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Music, Halal or Haram?
I was just asking the legality of music within Islam. There are obviously many opinions on this topic… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged celebration, musical instruments, pemissibility of music, singing
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Music in Sufism
I want to know the judgement of music in sufism. Some scholars says it’s haram, other claim that there is nothing wrong with music. Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Halal & Haram
Tagged drumming, duff, festivities, lawful, musical instruments, pemissibility of music, Sufi Music
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Using musical instruments of iron
We are a group shalawat, when we shalawat at one event, there are preachers who… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged Imam Ghazzali, iron, musical instruments
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Q: Im just confused as to whether listening to music is a sin, because some people say its haram if you do and others say it is not…[fr]Q: Im just confused as to whether listening to music is a sin, because some people say its haram if you do and others say its not,could you please advise if it is.[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged beardless youth, drunkard, festivals, forgiveness, habit, happiness, Imam Ghazzali, immoral desire, joy, lovers, makruh, mourning, musical instruments, obscenity, pilgrims, poetry, regret, sama, sexual desire, sins, songs, sorrow, wedding
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