Tag Archives: halal or haram
Feeding pets – Halal pet food ?
We have been buying our cat dry food that only contains fish (to be halal for her).Now she is gaining a lot weight and the only solution is to transfer to fresh (raw) meat.
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Is suicide halal for the evil person?
I have heard that for an evil person, if they sleep, it is a good deed for them, because they cannot harm while sleeping. Continue reading
Question: Aslam alykum I search website some of them post “within 3 days lover come back to u powerful mantras” and ask some amount of money. Plz tell me is this allowed in Islam? Is it a halal or haram way. Plz … Continue reading
Aslam alykum, I searched the website and some of them say that within 3 days your lover will come back to you with powerful mantras and they ask for some amount of money. Continue reading
Erotic pictures in art show
I have a series of erotic photographs, which don’t reveal the entire face and body of the subject, is it haram to share them in an art show? Continue reading
Are skin products/cosemtics and make-up are halal?
Like pimples, scars, and other skin flaws. You are not changing you appearance just restoring back to its original and do Muslim countries have these products like lotions, zit creams, wrinkle cream, and scar creams? Continue reading
Can a Muslim man or woman become a veterinarian?
Is it halal to be an animal doctor? If so what happens to pigs and dogs and crows as your patients.
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Scared of losing him
I’ve been in love with a boy for the past two months. We are a religious couple. At times, I admit we’ve gone off the limit like talking over the phone for hours at night. Continue reading
Dead fish which float
I have read that Prophet PBUH said “What the sea throws up and is left by the tide you may eat, but what dies in the sea and floats you must not eat” Continue reading