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Tag Archives: need
Dream: Coins
I dreamt that I had been given some old, dark & rusty coins by… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Rain
We badly need a payer so that it rains . Otherwise people will suffer a lot… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged area, drought, need, rain, Salat al-Istisqa', suffer
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Where in the world should we be MSN and MSH
We went to Cyprus to ask this question but didn’t, and got the answer that we could go to Italy or USA… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged accommodation, Africa, education, Europe, funds, Germany, guidance, healthy lifestyle, high capital, ideal, inexpensive, Italian, Italy, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Morocco, mureeds, need, parents, small farm, Syria, ties, traditional lands, truthful ones, turbulence, usa, visit
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Dream: Istikhara
I have been driving since 2009 on and off and recently did istahara. On the first day I saw white rice with green cucumber on them… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black, black shoes, confused, driving, expire, green cucumber, istikhara dreams, mixed signals, money, need, renew, renewal deadline, silver, test, theory test, wasting money, white rice
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Dream: Kissing
I had a dream and I see the brother I like coming out of my house and is going somewhere with him… Continue reading
Dream: restaurant & du`aRêve: Restaurant et Du’a
I saw a dream today morning that I am in a restaurant with many people around and all of a sudden i cry and go to a corner, raise my hand and pray to Allah for something specific I desperate need.[fr]j’ai fait un rêve ce matin que j’étais dans un restaurant avec beaucoup de gens. Soudainement je me suis mis à pleurer et je suis allé dans un coin,…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged corner, du`a, dunya, hands, invocation, isolation, Muhammadan Cave, need, prayer, restaurant, seclusion, supplication, Surat al-Kahf, worldly life
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Rêve: Restaurant et Du’a
Seeking the Means in Invocation
Can you explain to me the invocation (du’a) of the awliyah in light of the Qur’an and Sunna and its purpose. I know any tawwasul is a need but how and why do we invoke the awliyah and saints I dont quite understand. Continue reading
Posted in Hadith
Tagged awliya, blind man, du`a, intermediary, invocation, means, need, righteous, supplication, tawassul, wasilah
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