Tag Archives: newborn baby
Azaan and Iqamah for newborn
Is the azaan to be made in right ear and iqamah in left? Should the baby be facing Qbla? … Continue reading
Visitors after Childbirth
I am due to give birth in the next few weeks inshallah, and my husband has advised me that no one is allowed to visit me apart from immediate family… Continue reading
Baby umbilical cord
I am in condition of 5 month pregnancy Insha Allah. I would like to ask about umbilical cord, based on Islamic shariah what should we do as a parents later on for the umbilical cord… Continue reading
Dream: Newborn baby reciting la ilaha ilallah
I saw a dream today that I’m in my grandparents house, and I’m holding a beautiful newborn baby in my arms… Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara Dream Interpretation
I am an unmarried woman who has made Istikhara regarding a guy that I like, although I had the dream a few nights after having done Istikhara:… Continue reading