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Tag Archives: old house
Dream: Big Bubbles from the sky
Had a dream a while back, me in my old house looking outside my dad and mum’s window towards the left… Continue reading
Dream: Rat
The colour of the rat was black. I was on my sofa when it jumped at me and I dodged it, before it wasn’t there or it seemed to hide… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adults, age of maturity, bad manners, black, black rat, brother, characteristics, childhood, dirty places, dodged, egos, good manners, hide, jumped, old house, rat, scared, sewage channels, sofa, train, Ya Samad
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Dream: yellow wasps
I had a dream of seeing wasps (bees) around me. I was in my old house ( which I don’t particulary like) but I was there and I had a few bees flying around me. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bad characteristics, escape, old house, spiritual progress, wasps
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