Tag Archives: past mistakes
I did some thing in the past and my reputation is heavily damaged. I am not like that any more and all of that problem was not totally my fault. What am I supposed to do? Continue reading
Innocence or stupidity?
I am really dumb, people fool me all the time. I don’t if it is because I’m innocent or just plain stupid. Can you all forgive this dumb follower? Continue reading
Revealing the past
I talked to a person for marriage who was very doubtful. She asked me to take oath in God’s name that I had no past . I was desperate as I been looking for partner since years. I… Continue reading
Cockiness to Allah (swt) and Prophets pbuh
About 8 years ago I started to accept every situation and every problem from destiny and Allah swt, and tried to not react against people. Everything changed, I was losing everything… Continue reading
Marriage: husband’s past mistake
Sheikh, I can’t forget my husband’s past mistake before marriage. I thought I can forget about this but I just realized after married, I can’t accept him. Everyday I cry, feel sad and disgust remembering things that he has done to me in the past. Continue reading
Prayer Request: I need advice
I like a man that I had sexual intercourse with 2 years ago. I repented and asked for forgiveness. He came back in my life now… Continue reading
Broken Marriage
I’m a 41 yr old husband & my marriage was 15 years old. I’ve a lot of mistakes on my marriage, especially to my wife. so that my wife had no affection to me anymore, and it started from July this year… Continue reading
Past haunting me
I would like to ask for advice regarding a matter that is giving me anxiety. Months… Continue reading