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Tag Archives: pen
Dream: ‘Allah’ on my hand
Shaykh in my dream on my right hand on the palm ‘Allah’ in Arabic was on it and people were doing Ziyarah of my hand… Continue reading
Dream: Surah FalaqRêve: Sourate Al Falaq
We were sitting in a class and my murshid were also there,, and there was a female/teacher who was listening to our recitation..girl next to me didnt know how to recite Surah Falaq (from her memory)..[fr]Nous étions assis dans une classe et mon maitre (Mourchide) était également présent, et il y avait un maitre qui était une femme et qui écoutait notre récitation. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `umrah, Divine support, hajj, knowledge, murshid, pen, Quran, recitation, sainthood, Surat al-Falaq, wilayah
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Rêve: Sourate Al Falaq
Hadith of Jabir
Q: I would like to know what is the level (sahih, hasan, daeef, etc) of the Hadith of Jabir (ra). [fr]Q: I would like to know what is the level (sahih, hasan, daeef, etc) of the Hadith of Jabir (ra). [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Takhrij
Tagged `Arsh, ar-ruh al-Muhammadiyya, book, hadith, Jabir ibn `Abd Allah, Lawh al-Mahfuzh, light, Muhammadan Light, Muhammadan Soul, Nur Muhammadi, pen, Preserved Tablets, Prophet Muhammad (s), Qalam, Throne
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Dream: Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al Madani (R.A)
My first dream, im sitting on floor in circle majlis and the person on my left takes my notebook and pen, writes in it and smiles and gives it me back. I dont remember whats written. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Abdur-Rauf al-Yamani, Abu Muhammad al-Madani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, notebook, pen, photograph
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