Tag Archives: penis
Which hand has to be used in the WC
3 days ago, somebody told me that using beads in saying the Beautiful Names of Allah (swt) was a wonderful thing and then specified the fact that it has to be done with the right hand. Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged dhikr, du`a, latrine, lavatory, left hand, male organ, penis, private parts, purification, right hand, salat, tasbih, toilet, WC
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The Origin of Circumcision
Question: What is the origin of circumcision? Answer: What I heard from my shaykhs is that circumcision was begun by our father Adam. It was a tax he imposed upon his body after he committed his mistake, and Allah knows … Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged Adam (as), circumcision, clitoris, fitrah, genitals, Heraclius, khitan, natural religion, penis, sin, Sunnah, tax
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