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Tag Archives: perfect submission
My wife is emotionally abusing me
Please forgive me for my bad adab, my wife is emotionally abusing me and I cannot take it any more. We have a 6 month old baby daughter. I have tried to talk to her, but each time she threatens to throw me out or says that I can leave if I want… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged abandonment, achieving sainthood, carry burdens, difficult spouse, emotional abuse, lies, love and peace, marital conflict, married life, patience, perfect submission, revert wife, tawakkul, tests of believers, threats, tolerance and acceptance, wilayah
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Dream: Habib Ali Jifri
I have a brother and sister who are both younger than me. My sister 18 years old sister had this dream last year. She dreamt that three of us were in a room with Habib Ali Jifri… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Naqshbandi way, perfect submission, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, sohba suhbat, surrender to Allah
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Many people do the hadrah and come out with a sore back or feeling dizzy. There are some that you can see are feeling something… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angels, broken heart, cramp, dhikr, dizzy, dunya, hadrah, martyrs, mercy, perfect submission, presence, pride, prophets, righteous, salawat, self-conscious, siddiqeen, Siddiqin, sincerity, sore back, spiritual proximity, spiritual state
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