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Tag Archives: plate
Dream: Known young man (I call him Z*** )
I was in a hall & there was a religious gathering going on. I was sitting at a small table with my younger brother… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blue, brother, cup, destination, du`a, heavenly guidance, labyrinth, light, map, mother, plate, protection, religious gathering, signal, sit, table, taweez
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Dream: Various dream scenes with Shaikh Nazim
I am not a murid of MSN and have dreams of him before. I do go to Naqshbandi Dhikr and last night I had a very long dream about MSN after fajr… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged attend, aware, bed, care, ceiling, chest, connection to Prophet (s) spiritual sustenance, dessert, dhikr group, drop, droplets, fajr, fall, handle, knowledge, lap, light, light bulb, line, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mureed, murid, naqshbandi, plate, share, Source of Light, spill, support, sweet dishes, take advantage, tray
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Dream: Al-Fatiha
Q: many years ago in a dream i saw a small gathering a group of men sitting in a circle continuously reciting surah Al-Fatiha . in the middle of the circle is a plate/disk with surah Fatiha written. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged circle, disk, plate, Surat al-Fatiha
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