Tag Archives: rape
I need answers and I need them NOW!!!
IS IT TRUE that when Muslims attack non-Muslim lands, it becomes permissible to make civilian women sex slaves and enslave civilian children?! Continue reading
slaves in Islam
There is still one thing about this as I came across some websites which suggest that a slave owner could practise azl on the slave without permission. Continue reading
Sex slaves in Islam
Question: Asalamualaykum Is it true that in the past slaves could have been forced into having sex by there masters as some people say? Wassalaam Answer: Wa `alaykum salam, The law allowed a master to have sexual relations with his … Continue reading
Female slaves
I am not still clear about the concept of female slaves in Islam… Continue reading
Rape case
What are the four schools of thoughts views on rape cases, especially that a female needs four male witnesses to prove a case… Continue reading