Tag Archives: sadaqa
A Sister’s Jinn Problem, Strange Occurrences
A new sister came to our dhikr cirlce and told us she has a jinn with her and that 25 Shaykhs have tried to rid her of it and couldn’t… Continue reading
Dream: Two Big Eggs
I saw two big eggs in dream while i was carrying one hatched and remained… Continue reading
Dream: Muslim’s big day
I had this dream on Christmas day. My cousins and i wearing torn and old cloth, walking in a line, carrying flat-bread from one end of a straight, narrow street… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Properties and relatives
Father ,[private] s/o [private] ,,is facing jaidad problems since ages : jawaid villa in… Continue reading
Dream: Feeding people with Grand Shaykh Bahauddin Naqshband (qs)
I dreamt I was on a very green field. On the grass was a white cloth spread out like a … Continue reading
Terminal illness
My non-Muslim (Catholic) friend was yesterday told her Cancer has come back and… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Eczema and Asthma
Please can you pray for my daughter’s exzema and asthma. She has had exzema… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For Mother’s heart condition
I just got the news from our family doctor that my mother [private] is having a… Continue reading
My Brother
I write to you, because we need help. Some years ago I lost my oldest brother to… Continue reading
My daughter is suffering from severe sneezing
My daughter aged 33, married with two children, living in Singapore, is suffering from continuous sneezing in spite of allopathy medication for a long time, now switched over to homeopathy , not getting relief… Continue reading