Tag Archives: Satanic Verses
Has Ibn Taymiyyah Commited Kufr of the one of the Highest Degrees?
Question: This is an indepth question so please bear with me. Reading Islamic Studies papers, I found one about Ibn Taymiyyah and the Satanic Verses incident, where rasoolullah is said to have told meccans that their goddeses were real and … Continue reading
Satanic Verses
before prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was born, the moon god “al-Ilah” (Allah) had three daughters named al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat. The first two were even named after their father. Each daughter had a separate shrine near Mecca, where Allah’s shrine was located.
As Muhammad (pbuh) grew weary from evangelizing his new religion with little success, he was tricked by the devil into adding a verse in the Koran that commanded Muslims to pray to Allah’s three pagan daughters Lat, Uzza and Manat. Continue reading