Tag Archives: scream

Dream: A Satanic Table?

I put my cell phone in my brother’s dining table and suddenly my cell phone moved itself to the floor… Continue reading

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Dream: Vicious Attack by dogs

My mother had a dream around the time of fajr. In the dream my brother is walking and he nudges a dog with his leg and continues to walk… Continue reading

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Dream: Burning in Fire

Dream: Asalam-u-laiykum, I had a dream awhile back where I was walking over a bridge and fire was all around me. When I reached the end of the bridge I fell into the burning fire.. I was screaming and no … Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Forced Marriage

My mother will not let me marry a girl whom i am in love with. She is forcing me using every technique possible to marry her niece. Continue reading

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Dream: Jinn?

The other night while I was sleeping, I dreamt that a person covered in black clothes head to toe jumped out in front of me, I then hit him and ran away, after that I ended up in a pitch black street and called upon ya gaus alzam dastagar, while I was dreaming, my wife was laying next time wide awake because she couldnt sleep, I made a little scream in my sleep… Continue reading

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