Tag Archives: snake
Dream – Red Snakes
about 2 days ago, my mother dreamt seeing me outside, standing still and holding a long red snake Continue reading
Dream: Green Flying Snake (Re-sending pls reply)
I am in a entirely green field, I saw Huge Green Snake hovering, I hold stick and throw toward the snake, I wanted to know about the snake, nothing happens, I again through something toward the snake and Snake Attacks me and I ran in the bushes… Continue reading
Dream: snake swallowing my daughter
I had a dream that a long brown snake hiding in shallow water, swallows my 2 years old daughter as she plays, I am very depressed seeing. Continue reading
Dream: Cobra Attack
It was just like short flash dream. Saw a very thick snakes side view which was moving fast (didn’t see it completely) then, the very next second it attacked me on my face with its mouth wide open. I couldn’t see its head… Continue reading
Assalmouilaikoum Sayyidi and all, need your advice with something. Actually I live in Mauritius and there are no poisonous snakes around here. The snakes over here are called “couleuvre.” They are harmless in the sense that they don’t bite. Continue reading
Dream: Confusion guidance
The question I asked when doing istikhara was I’m confused guide me…. Continue reading
Dream: Drawing and a snake
I had dream where a purple snake came out of my nose. It jumped and went back… Continue reading
Dream: Snake tightly coiled around my neck
I have been suffering for about 5 years now due to sihr done to… Continue reading
Dream: Snake bite
HI I felt a snake bite by left hand in my dream last night . I could feel the poison and pain… Continue reading
Dream: Impostoring shaytaan in a beautiful garden
After fajr whilst in wudu and falling asleep praying for someone who’s in hospital. I dream I’m in beautiful garden outside… Continue reading