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Tag Archives: `ujb
Prayer Request: Love for our Shuyukh to increase.
I would ask forgiveness for any bad adab, please make du’a that I am not overcome by my ego, that my actions are not for show as sometimes I cannot trust myself to be sincere, and that I do not drown in the waters of arrogance and self-aggrandizement. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged `ujb, adab, Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes, arrogance, humiliate, humility, intermediary, kafir, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Muslim, pride, riya, self-praise, showing off, tariqah, the Prophet (s)
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Credible hadith?
Q: I don’t know the credibility of the following site, so wanted to ask any of the learned members if they could advise as to the authenticity of this (purported) hadith,… Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Takhrij
Tagged `ujb, al-Albani, arrogance, explanation, intention, niyyah, pride, riya, self-aggrandizement, self-amazement, self-pride, sharh, worship
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Study Sharia and Arabic language
I am intending to learn Arabic language and sharia (Quran and Hadith). Can you advise me about where I should learn (the most preferable or best place to study and to learn)? Continue reading
Hadith: Allah’s Preventing Self-Aggrandizing Worship
Question: Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah, I don’t know the credibility of the following site, so wanted to ask any of the learned members if they could advise as to the authenticity of this (purported) hadith, and educate me with any … Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ujb, apostasy, arrogance, hidden shirk, pride, riya, Shaykh Zakariyya al-Kandihlawi, tazkiyya
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