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Tag Archives: urinate
Urge to wee
Can a person read salaah when they have a slight urge to wee Continue reading
Dream: Quran Pak as Protection
It was night-time and in our front-yard something went wrong and bc of it echo-copies were created of people… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged arm, aunt, baby, bad characteristics, bed, clear, copies, cousin, despair, dhikr, fever, front yard, house, Mercy of Allah, nafl, night, people, protect, protection, Quran, sitting, spread, state of wudu, suffering, Sunnah, urinate, vision, wazifa, wudu
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Feeling Drops of Urine
I am 29 years old living in US and unmarried. Can’t afford to see a doctor as just finished studies and got a job… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Salat - Prayer
Tagged audhu billah mina 'sh-shaytani 'r-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, call of nature, cleaning, concentration, confidence, doctor, dripping, helpless, irritated, prayer, Prayers, rely on Allah, restroom, salat, tawakkul, trouble, uncontrollable, urinate, urine, washing, water, wudu
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