Tag Archives: visiting graves
Commemorating Awliya
What is the ruling for commemorating the righteous by celebrating, hanging lights and decorations? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Halal & Haram, Sufism (Tasawwuf), Sunnah
Tagged awliya, commemoration, Eid, mawlid, visiting graves, ziyara
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Christian saint’s grave
In our region, on top of a mountain, is the grave of a Christian saint of the 7th century, Sainte Odile. I often find myself there without knowing how… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Christian saints, holy graves, visiting graves
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How much reward for visiting grave vs dua at home?
Could you please tell me the reward my mother would get if I recite… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged recitation, reward, visiting graves
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