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Tag Archives: wine
I heard that according to Abu Hanifa, Khamr is only drinks made from grapes and dates Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, alcoholic content, fruit, intoxicants, khamr, wine
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Dream: Grapes
I recently dreamt that I was walking through a street and went past a tree which was… Continue reading
Cooking with wine
Many recipes involve adding wine as an ingredient. Is is permissible to cook or eat foods cooked with wine? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged alcohol, cook, cuisine, evaporate, ingredient, miniscule amount, recipe, trace amounts, wine
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Dream: Missing flight to hajj
I dreamt that I am on my way to perform hajj from my country. Instead of going to… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged flight, hajj, plane, wine
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Regarding Permissibility of Music
Q: Someone told me that all four madhabs say it is illegal to listen to music…
A: Here is a relatively strict interpretation of what is and is not permitted from music/sama… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged arouse, awtar, birth, circumcision, daff, Eid, festivals, halal, haram, Imam Ghazali, intoxicants, Ismā`īl Dhul-Qarnayn, kubah, laborers, lovers, majamir, marriage, mourning, music, pilgrims, sama, sexual desire, tar, wine
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