Tag Archives: womb
Prayer Request: A sister may need surgery
There’s a sister in much need of prayers she was recently told that she has internal bleeding (fibrosis) in her womb and it can’t be stopped which may led the doctors to remove he womb… Continue reading
Dream: Of womb breaking
My wife had a dream of being on a train, and when she was about to leave the train… Continue reading
Dream: Dog, wasp and cigarette
1. In my living room at home I see a pet dog there with me. A brown dog with large… Continue reading
Dream: Dead baby alive in the light
I’m not married and last night in my dream they took out my buried wife who was pregnant with our child in my dream. Continue reading
Dream: Hostile Bulldogs and Surah IkhlasChiens Hostiles et la Sourate Ikhlas
I saw myself entering a room wherein I witnessed three bulldogs eating the womb of my mother…[fr]Voici un rêve que j’ai eu il y a 7 ou 8 ans. Je me suis vu enter une pièce, ou j’ai vu 3 bouledogues mangeant le ventre de ma mère…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Viewing Makkah and Madinah inside a moon
I saw two dreams. In the first, I saw a full moon in the day light. It was just like the moon we often see during the day. [fr]I saw two dreams. In the first, I saw a full moon in the day light. It was just like the moon we often see during the day. [/fr] Continue reading
Prayer Request: sihr
I am living in Hadramaut. I last consulted a habib who is known to be authorized by Prophet(s) to heal. Continue reading