Aslaam u aly kum wah rahmatullahi wa barakat thuhu,
May Allah (SWT) give our Shaykh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham a very happy long life InshAllah. May Allah (SWT) make me among the true believers InshAllah.
My Auntie is a Psychology Teacher; I wanted to ask if Psychology is a good subject to study? Because of course Allah (SWT) only knows about the Human Behaviour better than any Mankind, My Auntie’s point is that she is glad that Allah (SWT) has given the Human such a clever mind to know the benefits and reason behind Psychology. I shall believe no other than my Shaykh’s teaching InshAllah. JazakAllah Khair.
wa `alaykum salam,
Please see Islam’s contribution to the field of Psychology.