Author Archives: Ustadh Abdul Shakur Hadi
Give me some advice
Astaghfirullohal adhim, I’m so weak one who has always to push myself to do sunnah…. Continue reading
Awrah for non-Muslim domestic workersAwrah for non muslim domestic workers
I read that the awrah in front of non-Muslims are the same as for men I.e cover everything except for hands face and feet…. Continue reading
Mistake in Isha congregation
I was recently asked to lead a prayer which I accepted with fear as I heard that those with missed prayers should avoid leading prayers and also I was afraid I was going to lead them wrong… Continue reading
“Is Allah dependent on men to defend his Prophet?”
Moreover, they say that such ridicule does not harm the Prophet the least and that those who believe in God Almighty also need to believe that God can guard His Prophet’s honor better than any man… Continue reading
About salat al Tahajjud
Is it true that once someone starts to reciting salat al Tahajjud, then salat al Tahajjud becomes compulsory… Continue reading
Reading Quran & hadith
Can we read Quran from computer, mobile iphone, ipad without wudu, if you’re clean (body & clothes), and same question for during menses…. Continue reading
Musafir Prayer
I’ll be travelling the whole yr for 3/4 days inshAllah to uni, my question is where should I pray musafir prayer? Continue reading
Wahaabi to Ahle Sunnah
How do I go about changing a wahaabi to an Ahle Sunnah. I have explained to them what we do in a khatam shareef… Continue reading
Proper guidance
By God’s grace and will, I would like to start praying full time and I would like to learn more about the etiquette of salat… Continue reading
From past month I’m facing a serious problem of VANITY. Some waswass of hidden qalbi vanity comes to my mind and disturbs… Continue reading