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Author Archives: Imam Ismaeel Dhul-Qarnayn
Dream: Surah Yasin(saw)
I woke up a little before Dawn, reciting a Surah( I realized it was Surah Yasin(saw), deep in my Heart, and then a voice deep within me said ‘Fatima”. It was male voice! I kept reaping -repeating, parts of Surah Yasin, over and over again. Continue reading
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naqshbandi order
i have few questions to ask. My aim is not to offend anyone as a muslim should not harm his muslim brother. I am seeking the truth with the best adab, so I think that I have to ask naqshbandis followers about their practices instead of looking for answers from outsiders:
My first question is I have naqshbandi friends and in on their walls they have pictures of Sheikh Nazim. Is this not in contradiction with the Sunnah?Is this something that Sheikh Nazim is aware of? If yes, does he encourage his followers to do so and why?
Secondly, I am not part of any group; Wahabi, salafi, sufi etc… But I respect all of them as they are my brothers in faith . But by creating group does it not contradict the Koran? (surah 6, ayah 159)
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Dream: Sultan Sheik Nazim
Some time back we dreamt of being in a ceremony where It looked like Sultan Sheik Nazim was being crowned Sultan Awliyah Prophet(s.a.w) said there is know difference between Him and Me(sheik nazim) and then something went in Sheik like light. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged crown, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Prophet Muhammad (s), voice
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Dream: Outer Space
I had a dream that I was in outer space and I witnessed an explosion like a supernova it was very intense white bright light. Continue reading
Dream: Cat and puppy
I saw a dream that I was going to my hostel in the morning. As I was walking, a cat was walking on my right side and a puppy on my left side. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged animals, cat, hostel, lower self, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, nafs, negative traits, Prophet Muhammad (s), puppies, qarin
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Dream: Royalty, blue stone ring
I had a dream that I was in a que waiting to meet the Queen (of England).[fr]I had a dream that I was in a que waiting to meet the Queen (of England).[/fr] Continue reading
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Dream: Passing urine/flying
Bursting to pass urine..i find this squat style toilet, the lock doesn’t work. Continue reading
Dream: Snake ziyaarat of Makkah and Madina
A Snake went missing and people became worried for their welfare. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dunya, enemies, hawa, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Mecca, Medina, nafs, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), Shaytan, snake
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Dream: me in Sham
I saw that as if the khilafa had been established all over the world.I went to syria with a gift of an itar (perfume) and a message from khalifa to syria’s government. Continue reading