Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and Sahabas making salawat on Prophet
I heard that there is a tradition which is saying that in the time of khalifat of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, in the day of mawlid an-nabi (birthday of Prophet salAllahualayhiwasallam), he used to gather the sahabas and all together making salawat on Prophet salAllahualayhiwasallam. Continue reading
Madh, Tasliyah
I’m doing my Master’s thesis on Tasliyah. To begin with, what are the relations of Madih Nabawi and Tasliyah? Continue reading
On “yad” in the Qur’an
Sayyidi, I wanted to ask you if knew of a reference I can check to see how the `ulama’ dealt with the possible differences and/or similarities in meaning between the use of “yad” in the following verses. Continue reading
Keeping your cell phone while going to the bathroom
Can you go to bathroom with your smartphone that contains Quran and Salawat and photos of Mawlana? Can you help us, Sidi? Thank.
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I don’t understand
I have 2 questions. I did Hazrat Dawood (AS) amaal, but within 1 day it seem to me that it backfired. The guy whom I want to marry is saying that his family has almost fixed his marriage but he does not want to marry that woman. Continue reading
Khula Nama
A’Salaam. May Allah be Pleased with You. My question is: I pressured my husband to divorce me. Would this count as khula or divorce. He did not ask for his dowry or any other compensation. In the instance of khula can a woman remarry the same man ? Continue reading
Forced Divorce
I have a question: Is talaq under pressure accepted? For example, a husband was forced by his parents to divorce his wife although he loves his wife and doesn’t want to.
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Ziyara and Hayd
Is it permitted for a woman to make ziyara of a nabi or wali during her menses?
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