Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Haddad

Syedna Imam Mehdi and Syedna Imam Hussain
Question: Imam Mehdi {as} and Imam Hussain {as}

Q: I want to know that whether Imam Mehdi will be from the Aal of Syedna Imam Hassan or Syedna Imam Hussain?[fr]J’aimerai savoir si Imam Mahdi sera un descendant de Sayidina Imam Hassan ou Sayidina Imam Hussein…[/fr] Continue reading

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Question: Imam Mehdi {as} and Imam Hussain {as}

Abu Talib

Q: Did Abu Talib become a Muslim before he passed away..thank you[fr]Q: Did Abu Talib become a Muslim before he passed away..thank you[/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: Group photo!

I had a dream month before…i saw a group photo of sheikh nazim and all his female mureeds with ALLAH (swt)…(I haven’t seen ALLAH (swt) but felt his existence in the top centre) Continue reading

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how to dream of Shaykh

Q: how can i see our shiek in my dream? Continue reading

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origin of Imam Mahdi a.s

Q: Is Mahdi a.s an Arabic ? Continue reading

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Is marriage right?

My sister is divorced with 3 children. She wants to re-marry and has someone in mind but they have only been in contact online. Continue reading

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Dream: Around a tree

I was in a forest with a person who was telling me about some non-sense.
I didn’t want to hear to what she was saying to me. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: support to start my business

I am asking for support for my business. It’s auto import from Canada to U.S.A. Continue reading

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About Our Mother “Fatima az-Zahra RA”

I want to know that by what name Seyyidina Fatima Zehra RA used to call Our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Mother Seyyida Khadija RA ? Continue reading

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Q.1.If a Muslim man killed a Muslim man ,what is the amount of “diyyat” Continue reading

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