Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Haddad

nikah e misyar

What is nikah e misyar and is it halal? Continue reading

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I would like to know is there a specfic way of repenting for all past sins, or do we pray to ALLAH ALMIGHTY and ask him to forgive us while we offer our prayers? Continue reading

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Hanafi belief in Awliya Allah

What did Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) say on having a shaykh, and on esaale sawab and calling upon the pious, Continue reading

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124000 Adams

Q: As per Sulthan al Awliya Mowlana Shaykh Nazim, Ibnu Arabi & SHk Abdul Qadir Jilanis teachings, we have studied about the 124000 Adhams Alaihisalams.[fr]Q: As per Sulthan al Awliya Mowlana Shaykh Nazim, Ibnu Arabi & SHk Abdul Qadir Jilanis teachings, we have studied about the 124000 Adhams Alaihisalams.[/fr] Continue reading

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Prayer Request: fearful weather

Q: Outside is just raining with terrific wind and black cloudy which I never feel before, Do we have prayer or such dzikir in that situation? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Please Help

Myself and another brother have established a newspaper in th UK. We are finding it very difficult to even get people to speak to us, let alone sign up for advertisements. This being a free paper, we rely on advertisers to cover our costs. Continue reading

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Doa vs Dhikr

When seeking Allah swt’s forgiveness, I usually make doa in my own language, either Malay or English and not Arabic Continue reading

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Backbiting and Gossip

In today’s world and especially in our workplaces everyone is always talking about each, mostly negatively. Continue reading

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First I seek your prayers that I can be allowed to work while wearing hijab. Continue reading

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Use of animals in testing medicine

Q: I wonder if the prohibition is specific for putting frogs in medicine or is general for the killing of animals to be made into medicine? Continue reading

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