Author Archives: Imam Kamau Ayyubi
Dream: Sheikh Abu Yazid al-Bistami
I saw a man in my dream who seemed very happy and was smiling at me… Continue reading
Dream: With Mawlana in bazaar?
I had a dream where I think I was in a bazaar near my house and MSN was there with another Shaykh… Continue reading
Dream: Prophet ISA (R.A)
I had a dream of the prophet ISA twice once where a glowing yellow light covering the body walked up to the gog magoog… Continue reading
Dream: Kaaba Keys
I had a dream before Fajr Salat, that I am at Kaaba in Makkah and the King Abdullah gave me the Keys of Kaaba… Continue reading
Dream: Marriage
I received a marriage proposal which was going very well. However, as time went on we began to drift away… Continue reading
Dream: Rat eating sweater
I have a question. Almost ten years I have been suffering due to sihr… Continue reading
Dream: Kaaba and women
About 5-6 years back I had a dream I was standing in my college ground and an ugly woman came to me… Continue reading
Dream: Big mountain and lake
One day after namaje esha in morakba I saw a big mountain and only way is there to go on that mountain is one big lake… Continue reading
Dream: Quran Pak as Protection
It was night-time and in our front-yard something went wrong and bc of it echo-copies were created of people… Continue reading
Dream: Hajjah Naziha
Lately I have been very down and stressed out. MSH and Hajjah know already my reason for being so down… Continue reading