Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Prayer Request: Prayer to be amongst the follower of Imam Mahdi

Please pray for me so that I may be included as one of Imam Mahdi’s followers and saved from Dajjal. May ALLAH bless you and aid you in all your work and prayer. Continue reading

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Dream: a girl doing sajda to me

i know a girl, who seems to have a lot of respect for me and always helped me financially. she is divorced and have twins. i saw a dream about her; Continue reading

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Prayer Request: only in the name of god

salam plz pray for my financial problams im facing lately im too worried what to do plz help me by ur prayers thanks a million one of ur needy sister Continue reading

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Dream: Meat

A few months ago, I dreamt that I had a large piece of meat that was the back of Imam Ali (R), and I was really tempted to slice it up and eat it. Throughout the dream, I am walking in a larger space with white walls and smaller light grey divider walls. I am disturbed by what to do with the meat since it’s already someone who has passed away and I’m trying to decide what to do. Towards the end of the dream, I realize I need to bury it as it is part of a dead person and the right thing to do. I then woke up and spit to over my shoulder out of fear that it could have been from Shaitan. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Pray for c-section

I am requesting you to please pray for my sister — doctors will perform a c-section on her tomorrow night, insha’Allah… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: I would like to meet Shaykh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham

I myself and my whole family would like to come to Cyprus to see Shaykh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham and do our bayat in person… Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Waiting for baby

This is fifth year of my marriage but I am still waiting for first child. Continue reading

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Dream: Should She Marry him?

One of my frnd is getting married on 11 april and she was talking to her husband to be on phone..and from the way that person was talking it seemed that he may have been drunk..her mom and sis were also there..and they are for abt 80% sure that its possible he was really drunk bc the way he was talking..I wanted to ask Shaykh Hisham Kabbani’s advice..if she should go through this wedding or cancel it..?? and also shez not sure if this whole thing is from Haq or not..if this is from Haq..then plz do dua for her that everything gets better and that she will be happy with what ever Allah Ta’ala does. Continue reading

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wird of Hazrat Yunus’prayer

A sister told me during chatting at that she was suffering from financial crisis.So she wished to recite Hazrat Yunus’s Prayer (la ilaa ha illa inta subhanaka inne kun tum mineez zaleemeen) 1,25,000 times as a wazifa for imrovement in financial condition. Continue reading

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Rikija and divorce

Q: My husbad divorce his 1st wife 3 days ago, but continue living with her in same home because he dont have money to go somewhere else. Continue reading

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