Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
How to expiate for breaking fast deliberately?
Q: When I was 17, I broke my fast…half deliberately, half out of stupidity and ignorance. I have asked Allah for forgiveness but now I also want to make up for it according to Islamic jurisprudence. I am getting 2 different advices and need clarification of which one pertains to me. Continue reading
Prayer Request: marriage
Recently, there has been a lot of unrest around me and my fiancee too, especially in our families. Continue reading
Who is Qutb of Universe Now?
I’ve heard this term many times, Qutb of the Universe. What does this mean exactly and is our Beloved Mowlana Sheikh Nazim (May Allah SWT give him long healthy life) in this position currently? Continue reading
Prayer Request: what should i do?
i want to marry my cousin, we love each other very much but we live in different countries. He thinks i don’t want him anymore because his family made me go. Continue reading
Domestic Violence/concerning a parent
I recently heard that my father lives near a city in Medina and also heard that he is spreading false rumours about me to his relatives… Continue reading
Dream: Shk Hisham in Sri Lanka
I saw Shk Hsiham Kabbani & Ali Seyed who were in Sri Lanka. They were traveling from one city to another. Continue reading
Prayer Request: sihr(black magic)
Im a mureed who has been battling a test in the name of allah for 5 years now struggling with a sihr (black magic) which has been put on me ,wont let me live or work struggling with life in general Continue reading
Prayer Request: Spinal Steno sis and slip disc at lower back
My brother is sending you salam and seeking your holy blessings and dua for his health issue Continue reading