Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

To become mureed

Question: As salaam, Please help to become mureed or to do baith on hands of Sayydi shaikh Nazim. Allah hafeez. Answer: wa `alaykum salam, You may take baya` online on the homepage here, or at Staff

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Prayer Request: Blackmajic

My cousin has been saying that someone has done blackmajic on her. She has had problems since 2010 and there have been lots of signs… Continue reading

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Hajj, Monthly Cycle in Women

We are a group of women intending to go to Hajj this year and our question is; Is it permissible to take medication/drug to stop our monthly cycles for the duration of… Continue reading

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Regarding Taweez

How would I dispose of a Taveez in the correct manner? Continue reading

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Bay’ah with Shakyh Nazim Haqqani

I am in the UK and they currently live in Cyprus, unless I travel to Cyprus (Which I will try to) or they come to the UK but is there any other way? Continue reading

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Problem, no proposals

I have problem not getting married. Some `ulama told us there is bandish on me. Is it true to have bandish Continue reading

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Constant fear of death and anxiety

My questions is in regards to the field of sihr. I developed a state where I constantly think I am going to die and I constantly predict this… Continue reading

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Shaykh Hisham visiting UK

I wanted to know when Mawlana Shaykh Hisham will be visiting UK. Could you please give dates … Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Suffering from Psoriasis

I would humbly like to ask Mawlana shaykh Nazim and shaykh Hisham to pray for me I have got psoriasis a skin condition and it has got worse recently… Continue reading

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Islamic Finance

Is working in an Islamic bank legal (is Islamic banking justified)? … Continue reading

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