Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Prev. quest. re: ‘there is a jinn in me’, has been solved.

Within the last week, I sent a question to you titled ‘there is a jinn in me’. By some old advice of Hajah Naziha which I implemented, the jinn has gone, alhamdulillah. Continue reading

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Intentional break of the fast

I am a brother who broke my fast intentionally many times in the past Continue reading

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Eid Mubarak!

happy Eid and thank you for all your prayers which have helped me Continue reading

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Has Ibn Taymiyyah Commited Kufr of the one of the Highest Degrees?

Question: This is an indepth question so please bear with me. Reading Islamic Studies papers, I found one about Ibn Taymiyyah and the Satanic Verses incident, where rasoolullah is said to have told meccans that their goddeses were real and … Continue reading

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Trying to conceive

Me and my husband have been trying for a baby for almost year now. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: help against jealous people and theives

Currently this Ramadan my mother in law has been very ill, even though there was nothing seriously wrong with her but she has been in pain and distress Continue reading

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Prayer Request: nazar(evil eye)

Lately alot of people especially my sister’s inlaws have told her she has an evil… Continue reading

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Consuming non-halal meat in a non-islamic country

Has it told anywhere that you can eat other meat (except pork) if you don’t find Halal meat when you’re in a foreign country? Continue reading

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language of question

Question: which language can we use for asking questions? do you answer in persian? Answer: Yes, we may reply in Persian. Staff

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Humble Request for a wazifa

I took baya online in February. I was blessed with opportunity to meet Sheikh Hisham at a domestic violence Fatwa conference in DC Continue reading

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