Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff
Ma Malakt Aymankum
Is the concept of Ma malakat Aymankum… enshrined in Holy Quran is still valid in modern times and what is its practical shape? If a lady surrenders herself voluntarily as ma malakt aymanakum to a male without any duress or coercion, the male have the right to have relation with her? Thanks and Jazakallah.
Prayer Request: Depression and struggle
Salam aleykum Shaykh hope you, Mawlana and the staff at E-shaykh are well inshaAllah.
Shaykh ive been suffering from depression for a long time, i feel as if nothing is going right for me. I cant complete my tasks in life that i set myself, and i feel as if i cannot do anything and everything is turned upside down for me. Please could you make duah that my situation changes inshaAllah, and if it isnt any trouble could you please advise me on what to recite or read? JakazAllah much appreciated. Continue reading
S.O.S.!!!: Consistency in waking for Qiyam al-Layl & Fajr
Alhamdullilah, I am very happy to be a lover of this Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Way, but I feel that my spiritual progress has been seriously hindered by my inconsistency in waking up for Fajr & Qiyam al-Layl. Continue reading
Women attending dhikr during thier
…Is it permissable for menstruating women to attend the thursday weekly dhikr in a mosque ?
Jazak Allah.. Continue reading
Doubts in faith- waswas and evil thoughts
JazakAllah Khair for answring my previous qs.Alhamdullilah I am under Sheikh Nazim’s baya. Pls advice me how the battle waswas and thoughts of disbelief.I don’t want to die as a kufr or a disbeliever.I want to strengthen my iman… Continue reading
Dream: Isa a.s – Dream and reality mixed
She decided to go and ask for help to a practicing Muslim healer for his son. In a dream she heard from him saying that it was given from Isa a.s his the dog and the house of. Continue reading
Please advice if I should take the offer of the incontinents bussiness. And I would like the permission of the Sheikh. Continue reading
wheather we have to do dikr allah allah in heart or are in tongue.which is best .
mawlana sheik advice to do which dikr , heart or tongue.
how many times we have to do dikr allah allah.
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May Allah Almighty grant our beloved Master, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim long life and continued success and support to Mawlana Shaykh Hisham in his mission. Continue reading
marriage and affected by black magic
I have recently been considering someone for marriage and after speaking for a month he visited my family and was very interested for marriage, however we hav not heard from him for a week now. Continue reading