Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff
Recitation of Surat al-Fatiha during engagement ceremony
Is it permissible for us to recite the chapter of Fatiha during engagement ceremony or it is an innovation? Continue reading
Jumping in hadrah
Do you suppose to jump at any time during the hadrah, actually both feet leaving the floor? Continue reading
Studying tasawuf
I wish to learn tasawuf… please tell me how to contact people in the UK Continue reading
Permission for dua saifi
I want permission to recite dua saifi Continue reading
Zakat al-Mal on 401K or IRA?
Does one pay Zakat al-Mal on the money invested in a retirement 401K or IRA? Continue reading
6x Divorce
I want to ask i a man tell to her wife in anger between an argument Continue reading
Ruling on ISIS
What is the ruling on following ISIS? Continue reading
Is glycerin haraam?
Recently I found that glycerin is usually made from animal fat. Continue reading
Black Magic & Problems conceiving
My husband and I have two daughters and have been trying for our third child for two years now but I am unable to conceive. Continue reading