Dream Interpretation
Dream: Mother sees a LOT of head lice on daughters hair
Asalamu – Alaikum. My mother had a dream that LOTS of head lice was crawling on top of my head. Continue reading
As-salaam wa alaykum, this is for my beloved brother Sheikh Hisham Kabbani. I had a dream about 2 to 3 years ago that someone told me qiyamah will be in 1000 days time what does this mean? JazakAllah Continue reading
A vision after missing Qiyamul Layl and Fajr
Salamualykum, I have to add some information before telling, so I am sorry if it gets a bit long. One night a few months ago my alarm went off for qiyamut- layt and my nafs got me and I didn’t get up, then I also didn’t get up for fajr too and when I awoke which was an hour after sunrise I felt bad… Continue reading
Dream: Bull
A gigantic black bull with horns on my street and in front of my house. Big bull keeps jumping & being irratic. Continue reading
Istikhara Dream
Praying istikhara dua about a girl. On the fourth night, saw a very strong dream that I was praying in the Ka’abah (feeling only, didn’t see Kaabah) Continue reading
Dream: Divine Something
Salaam, I dreamt of my female cousin in weird clothes legs showing. After that I hear a voice – you have lost your divine something… Continue reading
Dream: Mahdi as
In the dream I walk up the stairs of my local mosque and see Mahdi (as) siting by the mimbar and I walk up and kiss his hands. Continue reading
Dream: New Car and a new princess Bed
AOA. The guy I’m planning to marry buy me a new car and a new bed, and I’m telling my parents that we can’t sell this bed cause it’s a very expensive princess bed which you will not get from anywhere. Continue reading
Some of the Rock looking at me
It wasn’t a dream, I was reading fajar prayer at my home and I felt that I was next to dome of the rock. I felt the dome of the rock was looking at me. It wasn’t just my imagination it was a strong feeling. Continue reading