Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of dreams. Note answers may be limited due to the quantity of requests.

Dream: 3 dreams about a girl

I had 3 dreams about a girl I know. she is a friend of my sister. Continue reading

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Dream: Tornado

I’ve been a follower of Mawlana for four yrs now but my family are wahabi. In my dream I was with my family in a house and we could see a tornado coming… Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh Nazim (ha) and salt

I had a dream that I was sitting at a round table with men dressed in Naqshabandi garb and Shaykh Nazim (ha) suddenly appeared and began pouring salt onto the table… Continue reading

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Dream: Dream with my virtual female friend

A sister in Islam, which I know only a few years the Internet has had a dream with me that she arrived at the former place she lived there and met me and hugged me… Continue reading

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Dream: Bad vision of sister

The other night I had a vision in my sleep I saw my older sisters dead body in a bag, it was decayed… Continue reading

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Dream: touching cheeks

In my dream i was in a gatering, i aprouched where sheikh Hisham and Hajja Anne(Sh.Nazim wife) where sitting. Continue reading

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Dream: A Massacre

My dream was this, several old friends I had nearly forgotten about returned to my life and were very kind. Continue reading

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Dream: Istikara dream
Rêve: Rêve de Istikara

A while back I did estikara prayer to see if moving to another country was a good idea.I dreamt I was taking off on a aeroplane to my destination where I wanted to live,all of a sudden the plane went down slowly,I thought it was going to crash but it was,it softly and slowly lowered itself…[fr]Il y a quelque temps, j’ai fait la prière de estikara pour savoir si déménager dans un autre pays était une bonne idée…[/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve: Rêve de Istikara

Dream: Royalty, blue stone ring

I had a dream that I was in a que waiting to meet the Queen (of England).[fr]I had a dream that I was in a que waiting to meet the Queen (of England).[/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: Mawlana Sh Nazim giving taweez to my husband

My husband and I came to attend Mawlana Sh Nazim’s gathering but were told that there was an accident earlier… Continue reading

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