Halal & Haram
Killing animals/pests
I know that all animals do tasbeeh of their Creator, the Mighty Allah, and it is a sin to kill any animal regardless. My question is if there are raccoon’s in our backyard who eat our… Continue reading
Use of Kefir
I have been doing lots of research on Kefir, which is a mixture of lacto bacteria as well as yeasts in a polysaccharide base. It is full of beneficial micro-flora and has been used for hundreds of years – anecdotally it seems to have started with the Muslim in the Caucasus region. Continue reading
Consuming placenta after childbirth
There’s a “trend” in US for women to save their placenta after childbirth and consume it. Is it permitted? Continue reading
Women attending dhikr during menses
Question: Asalaamuayelaikum brother, Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem Please, could you advise us to the correct legal ruling, or if it is disputed then what ruling Mowlana would advise us to follow concerning: Are women allowed to enter a mosque for … Continue reading
Lottery system at a school
Question: Dear Shaykh Gibril, As-salaamuaalykum wa rahamtullah. I currently work for a non-Muslim run English language school in Malaysia. They are planning to organize an iftar program at a local Yemeni restaurant here for our students. We have a majority Arab … Continue reading
Looking at non-Muslim women
I was wondering if any of the scholars regarded looking at a non-Muslim women’s body as permissible (without lustful intentions)… Continue reading
Sobriety in running the business
Until recently I worked as a representative/agent in a conventional insurance company in Jakarta. Granted commission as an insurance agent is so promising that every month it continues to rise even higher than the salary of an employee… Continue reading
Utensils and pork
How can I remove the non-visible impurity of the utensils that may have been used to cook pork? Is there a special method required to cleanse the utensils or will soap and water suffice? Continue reading
Women kissing Shaykh’s hand
Q: My question is what is the explaination regarding women and kissing the hands of the Shuyukh?[fr]Q: My question is what is the explaination regarding women and kissing the hands of the Shuyukh?[/fr] Continue reading