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`Ibadat – Worship
Salam. I have a question about Bashair al Khayrat. Is it authentic? I began reciting it last year and out of love shared it with my family. Continue reading
Regarding Spiritualism
I am always visiting our Naqshabandiyya Thareeqa’s Websites and I am seeing all the articles posted about Spiritualism by Our Beloved Shaihul kamil, Moulana Nazim al Haqqani and Moulana Kabbani… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
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Fatwa about shortening the fast
1. Regarding the question on the Dar al-Ifta’ al-Misriyyah fatwa that one may fast in the Northern European countries by the timings of Mecca or Medina, “Apart from these respected modern day ‘ulama, are there any classical sources that mentions this position at all?” Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Siyam - Fasting
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How does a persistent sinner get forgiveness
I am despairing of myself. Every time I repent from a sin I return and do it again. Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged benefits of salawat, invoking blessings, prayer on the Prophet (s), salawat
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salah between asr and magrib
Asalamu alykum. I heard that between asr and magrib no salah not even nafal salah CANNOT be offered.. and between magrib and isha… Please clarify.
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It’s hard to read durood naariyah 4444 x in one sitting. Can I divide 4444 over a period of several days or weeks instead? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
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Salaah in masjid
My husband doesn’t go for Salaah to the masjid, he always says he’s tired or lazy. It really bothers me that he prays at home when there are many masjids around us… Continue reading
Fatwa about shortening the fast in Northern countries
As you probably know, Dar al-Ifta al-Misriyyah has published a fatwa about shortening the fast in countries where the night is short. Continue reading
Posted in General, Siyam - Fasting
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durood sharif
Grand Shaykh Salawat
1. Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin wa sallim Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
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Strength to remain consistent
I want to be consistent, that is, whenever I start something, I remain loyal for some days and then that determination slowly starts getting thin… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged constant, determination, inconsistent, lacking energy, no motivation, perseverance, struggling, uncertainty
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