`Ibadat – Worship
Who can lead the prayer ?
I’m a young unmarried person. Sometimes for jama’ah prayer some brothers ask me to lead it. If we are a group of brothers, who leads the prayer? Continue reading
Depression, Anger, Negativity + Ibadah
I get really depressed and sometimes get angry. I get negative thoughts especially when I’m doing dhikrullah or reading Quran or salawat. Continue reading
Salatul Istikhara
my question is I want to read salatul istikhara can you please guide me how to read proper way to read salatul istikhara…jazakullah Continue reading
Dua not accepted
as salamualakum shaykh…. my question is that i used to pray in the nights of Ramazan and asked Allah with a clear heart for a genuine wish, but He didn’t accept it. I had asked Him continuously for 3 years but still He rejected my dua every time. Continue reading
Get back my love
We love each other for 8 yrs but we face a lot of problems. But now he is losing interest I just want to become his loving wife. Continue reading
Rinsing out eyes break wudhu
After doing wudhu something got into my eye then I rinsed it out with water. Would this break wudhu. Continue reading
Lip movement lip movement
Is lip/tongue movement necessary when performing salah? Also can one recite quran silently? Continue reading
Praying in public places
Please it’s concerning prayers. I live in a western country, i am a young student. Sometimes, prayer time comes and i am in the train or the public transport with non-believing people.1) If i know im going to miss the prayer, should i pray quietly in the bus or in the train ? or other public space? Continue reading
Are there many obligatory alms giving during a year?
I converted to islam recently, two years ago, and al hambduliLlah, i have being paying the zakat of id al Fitr.
I think it’s of on sa’ of dates or other… i’ve being paying about 8 or 9 $. Continue reading
Ocd and purity
Also sincr i have urienon my underware and when i have a wet dream and semen transfer in to cloth i didnt changr. I would have semen on cloth and i would go to my brother room and sit there. I have use there objective. Now washing them impossbilr. What shkulf i do. Continue reading