Prayer Request
I am really confused what to do as it involved moving between countries. The job in the is [private] better paid with better career options… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Love and friendship with Muhammad (s)
Can you please pray for me that I get the love and friendship of Muhammad, I want to be close and near him, although am a sinner and not a good person… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Need help!
I am a female 3_ years old and still didn’t get married. My parents are worried about my marriage. Once, a mufti told me that I have jinn on me and he is stopping my marriage. He gave me some wazaif and some diya to remove the effect…. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Problem, do not know
Now it’s 20 years to my marriage, we are having financial problems and because of that we decided to move to Canada. But still no progress but we are now badly in debt. Whatever we try to do, something happens and everything is just stopped or fails. I tried to do some wazifas but still no difference… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Needs prayer
I am trying to move U.K, needs prayers and permission. Also want wazaif for financial problems. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Prayer for my perseverance
I have recently taken the baya and am doing my awrad regulary. I had been a lost soul for many years untill I found this site. I want to request Shaikh Haqqani and Shaikh Kabbani to pray for my steadfastness… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Older Muslims
Please say istakara prayer for this union so that he will finally come over here for us to join together in halal manner. We have both been divorced and have no children worries… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Debt &Worries
My parents are in extreme debt to both relatives and bank in the amount of over $200,000.00, and it keeps increasing. My parents are fighting, and they keep finding obstacles in whatever they do, especially business-wise… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Another marriage
I was recently with a man and I had intercourse with him, he promised me he would marry me then I found out he has another wife and child. He told me that he wanted to divorce her and marry me… Continue reading