Qur’an & Tafsir
Sura “YaSin”
Since 3 days, I recite in my mind the last verse of sura “YaSin” in the day and in the night. Continue reading
Book recommendations
I would like some recommendation on: 1. An in-depth tafsir of the holy Quran by an Ahle Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah
scholar…[fr]I would like some recommendation on: 1. An in-depth tafsir of the holy Quran by an Ahle Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah
scholar…[/fr] Continue reading
Blue light from Quran
Once when I open a Quran to read, a beautiful ball of blue light came out from the Quran. Continue reading
“Man fis-samaa” in sura almulk
Q: Ya shaykh, that is the meaning of “man” in the verse of Surat al-Mulk : “ءَأَمِنتُمْ مَّن فِي ٱلسَّمَآءِ أَن يَخْسِفَ بِكُمُ ٱلأَرْضَ فَإِذَا هِيَ تَمُورُ “. Who is fis-samaa ? Continue reading
Why the verb salli in salawat
Please explain why the verb salli as an order to Allah in Allahumma salli ala Muhammad ! Continue reading
Man or universe?
My question was based on two Ayat ul Quran that I read and I’m looking for a better understanding. Continue reading
Kun fa yakun
I would like to know about the ayat Kun Fayakun Continue reading
Surah A’la
I have been trying to learn Surah A’la (The Most High). I have only been able to learn up to verse 6. For many years I have not been able to further.[fr]I have been trying to learn Surah A’la (The Most High). I have only been able to learn up to verse 6. For many years I have not been able to further.[/fr] Continue reading
Name of Allah
Is Ya Daafi a name of Allah..If so could you please inform me what is the “abjad” value of the name.. Continue reading →