Qur’an & Tafsir

Qur’anic recitation, translation and interpretation.

Non-Muslims Handling Quran

Q: I am not Muslim, but I own a fine printing of the Qur’an which I received as a gift from a Muslim student…

A: The story is told of a man named Bishr who was coming home drunk one rainy night and who saw apiece of paper with some writing on it in the mud. Upon closer examination he saw that the writing was the name of God in Arabic, ALLAH…. Continue reading

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Kissing the Qur’an

Question: Is it Bid’ah to kiss the Holy Qur’an when opening and closing it? Answer: No, it is not a Bid’ah. Imam an-Nawawi reported that when `Ikrimah (may Allah be pleased with him) used to see the Holy Qur’an, he … Continue reading

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